Helpful Tips and Advice for Dog Owners

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Life With Dogs (6)

Black and white Papillon wearing glasses and sitting in front of a chalkboard

3 min read

Preparing Your Dog for Back to School Season Routines

Just like kids, dogs love summertime! After all, days are longer and there are more...

Yellow lab standing outside with its head being pet by a person

2 min read

Unique Ways To Celebrate Your Dog & National Dog Day

Happy National Dog Day! National Dog Day was started in 2004 by Colleen Paige, animal...

Tan shaggy dog with its head being pet by a woman wearing a bright blue volunteer shirt

3 min read

7 Ways You Can Help A Shelter Without Adopting

If you’re an animal enthusiast, you’ve probably found yourself feeling guilty and overwhelmed...

Smiling dog standing on grass in front of a sprinkler

3 min read

How To Make Your Yard Dog Friendly This Summer

Summertime! Summertime! If your dogs are like mine, they are reveling in the heat and humidity...

Serviceman in military fatigues is kneeling to pet a German Shephard in the middle of a road

2 min read

A Memorial Day Salute To Dogs Who Gave Their Lives

Dogs have long played a significant role in our development as a country. Just as many humans...

2 min read

Be Kind To Animals Week

May 3rd marks the start of Be Kind to Animals Week! First established in 1915 by American...

1 min read

It’s National Hug Your Dog Day!

April 10 is National Hug Your Dog Day. Why do we need a national holiday for hugging dogs?...

2 min read

Choosing The Right Leash For Your Dog

There are few things dogs love more than a walk with their best human friend. Walks give dogs a...

2 min read

DOGTV: Valentine’s Day Goes to the Dogs

They are our loyal companions, through thick and thin, so why wouldn’t you choose to spend...